Historic Homes on
Fort Riley Main Post
Client: Corvias Military Living
Picerne Military Housing took over management of the on-post housing at Fort Riley in 2006. In addition to building new housing, Picerne began an ambitious program to upgrade the historic housing on Main Post to Army living standards. Picerne became Corvias Military Living in 2012 and has since completed rehabilitation of all of the historic homes on Main Post.
The projects primarily involve upgrade of the home’s fixtures and finishes and alterations to bedrooms and bathrooms to meet army living standards. Typical improvements include moving the laundry room to the first floor when possible, adding a first-floor bathroom, and creating a master suite with walk-in closet and master bath.
Fort Riley’s Main Post is a National Register Historic District with historic homes dating from the fort’s establishment in the 1850s to 1930s residences built through New Deal Programs. There are 39 different home styles totaling 253 living units. In the role of Corvias’ historic consultant, Spencer Preservation reviewed the proposed improvements to the historic homes to insure the work meets the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and served as liaison with the Fort Riley Cultural Resources staff and Kansas State Historical Society to garner historic approvals for the proposed improvements. Corvias recently completed projects on Building 406, a former Artillery Barracks and Carr Hall, Building 45.